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Frequently asked questions

Most popular questions for "far in advance"

Reservations can be made for trips at least 45 days in advance of departure. Due to operational constraints Megabus may choose to change this period.

Reservations can be made for trips at least 45 days in advance of departure. Due to operational constraints Megabus may choose to change this period.

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Instant teleportation unfortunately is not yet a reality, so there will be occasional complications when looking for a specific route.

This may happen for a couple of reasons. If your travel cities appear, but the calendar dates are grayed out, it may be that the dates you have chosen are too far in advance and are not opened for sale. Check back at a later date to see if the dates are then available.

The message "no journeys have been found for the date selected" will appear if all trips have sold out on a particular date.

Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment.