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Bus from New Orleans to Houston and from Houston to New Orleans

Bus from New Orleans to Houston and from Houston to New Orleans

Bring your appetite when planning your next trip from New Orleans to Houston. Not many other cities boast such a wide and diverse food culture more convincingly than Houston. When you simply cannot eat any more, Houston has much more to offer like its many parks and museums such as Discovery Green and Space Center Houston. Don’t look back and reserve your seat for your next New Orleans to Houston trip.

Not many cities hold such a raucous reputation as much as New Orleans. Primarily known for the French Quarter and Bourbon Street, let our bus from Houston to New Orleans be your starting point to exploring this beautiful city.

New Orleans is one of the culinary capitals of the US, specializing in Creole, Cajun, and French inspired dishes. No trip is complete without trying a beignet, a po’boy or a muffaletta.

Take a stroll down Frenchmen Street to see where the locals frequent for live music and street fairs.

Make the first step of your next vacation by booking one of our Houston to New Orleans buses.

What amenities are included on a bus from New Orleans to Houston?

  • individual power outlets
  • reclining seats
  • reserved seating
  • fares starting at just $1*

Charge up and stay connected with us - we’re putting an end to dead phones, one trip at a time.

Whether your bus trip from New Orleans to Houston or Houston to New Orleans is for business or leisure, Megabus will get you there comfortably and conveniently.

All of our seats on our luxury double-decker buses from New Orleans to Houston are equipped with onboard restrooms, individual power outlets, three-point seatbelts, and reclining seats.

Plus, when booking your bus tickets from New Orleans to Houston, you’re given multiple seating upgrade options to ensure your experience is as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

On all of our double-decker buses from New Orleans to Houston and Houston to New Orleans, we offer reserved seating.

Reserve one of the 20 most popular seats on our buses to enjoy panoramic views, a more spacious ride, and to sit at a table or secure seats next to family and friends (assuming you like them).

Remember that reserved seats are limited, so make sure to plan ahead and book early for your New Orleans to Houston trip!

Route information for the bus from New Orleans to Houston

Our bus from New Orleans to Houston happens to be one of our most popular routes among our network of over 100 cities across North America, allowing you flexible scheduling.

With convenient departure times, Megabus makes planning your next New Orleans to Houston trip simple.

Keep track of your New Orleans to Houston itinerary online, easily accessible from your smartphone.

Bus stop locations and drop-off locations in New Orleans and Houston

Whether you’re traveling by bus from New Orleans to Houston or vice versa, you will be centrally located for hotels, restaurants, and public transit when you arrive.

When traveling by bus from Houston to New Orleans, you may depart from three different locations:

  • The parking lot of 815 Pierce St., located on the north side of the intersection between Pierce St and Travis St.
  • Katy located at the Katy Mills Mall, Entrance 8.
  • NW Houston located at the Select Shell Station at 13250 FM 1960 W, at the intersection with Northwest Freeway (US - 290 W). 

Your Houston to New Orleans bus arrives at Union Passenger Terminal on 1001 Loyola Ave.

Make sure to check your reservation for the exact location and time of departure.

Learn more about New Orleans and things to do by visiting our city guide.

When you travel by bus from New Orleans to Houston, you will depart from Union Passenger Terminal on 1001 Loyola Ave.

Your New Orleans to Houston bus will arrive at one of three convenient Houston locations listed below.

Bear in mind: not all buses service all three locations. Check your reservation for the exact location and time of departure.

When traveling from New Orleans to Houston, our buses arrive:

  • In the parking lot of 815 Pierce St., located on the north side of the intersection between Pierce St and Travis St.
  • Katy located at the Katy Mills Mall, Entrance 8.
  • NW Houston located at the Select Shell Station at 13250 FM 1960 W, at the intersection with Northwest Freeway (US - 290 W). 

Learn more about Houston and its sights by visiting our city guide.

Bus ticket prices for the bus from New Orleans to Houston

When booking in advance, you can save big on bus ticket pricing from New Orleans to Houston.

Megabus makes bus travel easy and affordable for your upcoming New Orleans to Houston trip, with fares as low as $1*.

Reserving your bus tickets for your next New Orleans to Houston trip is made simple online or by smartphone.

Our trip planner allows you to choose your flexible schedule for your New Orleans to Houston or Houston to New Orleans trip and find the itinerary that works for you.

Availability and booking for a bus from New Orleans to Houston

So if you’re planning on traveling by bus from New Orleans to Houston or from Houston to New Orleans, book your ticket with us today to reserve your seat and see our first-class amenities firsthand.

Learn more about fun things to do in New Orleans or Houston when you arrive.