Bus from DC to Philly and from Philadelphia to DC
Route information for the bus from Philadelphia to DC
Our Philadelphia to DC and DC to Philadelphia trips happen to be two of our most popular routes among our network of hundreds of cities across North America.
With regularly scheduled departures leaving at convenient times, Megabus greatly simplifies planning your next Philadelphia to DC trip.
You can easily keep track of your DC to Philly itinerary via smartphone.
Bus stop locations and drop-off locations in Philadelphia and DC
Whether you’re traveling by bus from Philadelphia to DC or vice versa, you’ll be well equipped to travel to all sorts of places from your drop-off location.
Before you travel from DC to Philly, you'll want to know where you have to go to get on the bus. Visit our bus stops page for the precise location of your stop.
Learn more about Philadelphia and its many sights by visiting our city guide.
Learn more about DC and things to do there by visiting our city guide.
You can check your reservation for the exact location and time of departure anytime online or from your smartphone.
Bus ticket prices for the bus from Philadelphia to DC
Booking your bus ticket(s) in advance allows you to save lots of money on your DC to Philadelphia trip.
Megabus offers affordable fares for all your travel needs, so there’s no reason to choose anyone else to book your upcoming Philadelphia to DC trip!
Availability and booking for a bus from Philadelphia to DC or a bus from DC to Philadelphia
Traveling by bus from Philadelphia to DC or from DC to Philadelphia has never been any easier thanks to Megabus. Book your tickets with us today!
Need some help planning your trip to either city? Click to read our city guides for Philadelphia and Washington DC!