Bus from DC to NYC and from NYC to DC
Route information for the bus from NYC to DC
Among all of our routes across North America, our NYC to DC and DC to NYC routes are two of the most popular and frequented.
With frequent departures scheduled at convenient times, it’s never been easier to plan a New York City to DC trip.
Additionally, you can use your smartphone to easily track your DC to NYC itinerary online.
Bus stop locations and drop-off locations in NYC and DC
Whether you’re traveling by bus from NYC to DC or vice versa, we guarantee you’ll have little to no difficulty navigating each city and finding things to do.
Before you travel from NYC to DC or DC to NYC, you'll want to know where you have to go to get on the bus. Visit our bus stops page for the precise location of your stop.
Learn more about NYC and its many sights by visiting our city guide.
Learn more about DC and things to do there by visiting our city guide.
You can check your reservation for the exact location and time of departure anytime online or from your smartphone.
Bus ticket prices for the bus from NYC to DC
On top of being easy, it’s never been more affordable to take a DC to NYC trip or an NYC to DC trip.
When you purchase your Megabus tickets early, you get unbeatable fares – easily accessible from your smartphone or computer!
Availability and booking for a bus from NYC to DC or a bus from DC to NYC
Ready to travel from NYC to DC or DC to NYC? Megabus is here to get you to your destination quickly, safely, and affordably. We look forward to seeing you on your date of travel!
If you’re still planning your trip out or need some ideas for activities, our NYC and Washington DC city guides have tons of info available. Give them a look!